Today, I type in tears…


Tears of joy and sadness. I am overwhelmed today with emotion. The kindness of others truly has moved me to tears. I recieved the first donation for Emily’s benefit today from Kara. It is a gorgeous bracelet and that vivid in color and the stones vary and shape. As I looked at the lovely bracelet and was typing her out a thank you, I became overwhelmed. That bracelet reminded me of friends and the community and all who are pulling together to help someone they don’t even know. Each of my blog friends who have donated their time to make things or pray are like the different and vivid colors of Kara’s bracelet. They represent the different views and talents each of you have that you so graciously share with the world with your blogs and your donations and the stones it represented to me the trials that not only Emily is facing while she battles cancer but the trials we all face every day and those that are loved ones battle. All of this was three strands and held togehter by a delicate clasp. It sounds silly but it just reminded me that although life throws us stones together we can hold hands and shine. Whether we are held together by the bonds of sharing our lives and loves through a blog or if we have had the pleasure to meet in person it is a delicate clasp that holds and keeps us together. I am honored to be a part of a crafting community that shines so bright and yet holds each other so dear when life gets tough.

See, I told you I was weepy over this! Now, for the good news on the benefit for Emily. It has grown beyond my wildest dreams already. So many people locally have offered their help and services and it looks like we will be able to host an amazing benefit to help Emily and her family out on November 2. More details will come as I get them, but thank you to each of you who commented here or emailed me on supporting my cause for Emily. Without you all I don’t think I would have had the courage to undergo such a huge event. Thank you for your support and donations. I can’t wait until Emily’s husband finishes his website about what she is going though so you can “meet” the amazing mom and friend that we are doing this for.

And in other crafty news, I did a little crafting of my own today! I made a purse with my new Joel Dewberry fabric that turned out amazing (if I do say so myself!)

Pictures to come this evening when I get home. I am at work now and had to blog while I had the inspiration.

The Longest Yardsale and a Long List of Thanks!


I look forward to this time every year when the longest yard sale essentially is a mile away from my house. There is a fair bit of junk but always a lot of treasures to be found. Someday I hope to find someone who loves thrifting as much as I do to take the roadtrip with me. Several days and states of treasure hunting! I spent only $10 and came home with lots of vintage thread and patterns, a vintage Better Home and Gardens Sewing Guide from 1962 and several other little goodies for the princess to play with while we went on our little adventure.

The weekend for me was not as sweet as it usually is coming right after the diagnosis of Emily. But, it has brought out the best in others. I was overwhelmed at the support of so many who are willing to make something and donate it for a benefit for Emily and her family. I have flapped my gums about this to everyone I know locally and what started as a little fundraiser through Etsy has turned into a massive response from our local church and community who want to contribute their goods and services as well.  It is awesome to see people “pay it forward” and give from their hearts for someone whom they have never met. I am touched and humbled at your support! From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

We will be setting up a date for the benefit soon and as soon as I get back from vacation I will start the etsy store with 100% of the profits going to Emily’s family to help with her medical expenses. If you would like to contribute to either of these benefits please leave a comment and I will email you details. You guys are awesome and I feel honored to be a part of a crafting community who give so selflessly and freely. I hope you are all blessed in abundance for your willingness to help others.

Do you ever feel inadequate?

Once again this isn’t a post I would want to write on a crafty blog but I feel like there is nowhere else to turn. An friend of mine was diagnosed with Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer this week. She has 3 young children and this comes as a total shock to her and her family. I met her through volunteering and she often volunteers with me at church in the department that I coordinate. She has always given all she had to everyone else. Her kids and the community and not that anyone ever deserves cancer, but I can’t think of anyone who deserves this less. She went in for cysts and went out with a complete hysterectomy and a cancer diagnosis.  I can’t imagine the shock she is going through both physically and mentally. In the interst of her privacy, Iwill only say her name is Emily. I know that I can’t solve her problems, cure her cancer or even provide the needs that she has. But, I feel the need to contribute to whatever I can do for her or the family. I feel so inadequate in offering support. I feel guilt over being healthy and planning a vacation. It hurts to know that this is something I can’t even begin to fix for her.

The teal ribbon is the awareness sign for ovarian cancer so I will wear that here to support her. In the coming weeks I will be doing my best to organize a benefit or Emily and her family. My gift is in creativity and I know that you all, my blogger friends, have that same gift. If you have a small craft donation that you can donate, I will be setting up an Etsy shop and a silent auction at church to strictly to benefit Emily and give whatever financial ease that we can provide for her during this time. My heart breaks that she will be on bedrest and then will start chemo with 3 little ones who she can’t cook dinner for or tuck into bed. Leave me a comment if you can help and I will get you all of the details via email. If you are praying person, keep Emily and her family in your prayers. Wear the teal ribbon on your blog for a day to spread awareness of those battling cancer.