Time For a Change


On Wednesday night the fam went out with the Inlaws and I stayed home with the baby who hadn’t napped yet so we knew that exposing her to a restaurant was in no ones favor. I made a some angel hair pasta and while little mama went crazy over it. I took a bite and felt sick. I had not over are and I truly felt it was one of those moments where God nudged me to say I want better for you.

This is a far cry from the feelings about food and my image that have plagued me in the past. Not wanting to take another bite was not in an effort to be thin. Nor was it an ache of embarrassment due to my size. Albeit, these were my motivations in the past it wasn’t enough for me to say enough is enough.

175 lbs

Yes, as torturous as that number sounds it is what I weigh. It is packed on to all 5 feet and barely 4 inches of me.

I could blame it on having three kids. I could blame it on stress. I could blame it on lack of self control.

But, I won’t.

The blame lies solely in complacency. Specifically my ability to not only not think about my size, what I eat or even look at my appearance. Somehow I just was ok with it all due to just being able to ignore it.

But, in that carb filled bite of pasta I wasn’t ok anymore. I confided in everyone who sees me or talks to me daily. Without accountability this can slip into a phase or a good try.

A true lifestyle change take action in addition to accountability and honestly I don’t know exactly how I am going to change but we are on day 3 now of being committed which to be honest is longer than most of my whims.

So here’s to a change. Time for me to take some pride and ownership of this temple that God himself chooses to dwell in.

Open to suggestions, comments, recipes, workouts and support!